Convenient and simple program for the daily conduct of financial and accounting evidence utilities.
1. Maintain income and expenses of operations in the context of accounts, currencies and categories.
2. Keeping the directory of accounts in different currencies, displaying the balance.
3. Accounting Utilities:
- Entry of meter readings (electricity, water, gas).
- Billing by region.
- Ability to select various premises (apartment, house, etc.)
- Formation of the charts on the testimony
- Building on the basis of public utilities expenditure operations.
4. Transfer between accounts
5. Keeping the directory categories of income and expenses.
6. Maintain reference currency.
7. Formation of a variety of reports and graphs, and exports to "csv".
7. The possibility of selection of operations by date, accounts, categories, currencies.
8. Backup and restore data c possibility of exporting or importing through "Google Drive".
9. Password protection at the input to the application.
10. Formation of repetitive patterns.
11. Copy operations.
12. Export operations in the file "csv" to SD-card and Google drive.
13. Widget
14. The mechanism of coloring of accounts and categories (the color of the card is assigned to the account or category)
15. Synchronization between devices through the "Google Drive".
16. Choice of light and dark themes.
17. Voice input
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Program mudah dan sederhana untuk pelaksanaan harian utilitas bukti keuangan dan akuntansi.
1. Menjaga penghasilan dan beban operasi dalam konteks account, mata uang dan kategori.
2. Menjaga direktori rekening dalam mata uang yang berbeda, menampilkan keseimbangan.
3. Utilitas Akuntansi:
- Masuknya pembacaan meter (listrik, air, gas).
- Penagihan menurut wilayah.
- Kemampuan untuk memilih berbagai tempat (apartemen, rumah, dll)
- Pembentukan grafik pada kesaksian
- Bangunan atas dasar utilitas publik operasi pengeluaran.
4. transfer antar rekening
5. Menjaga kategori direktori pendapatan dan pengeluaran.
6. Menjaga mata uang referensi.
7. Pembentukan berbagai laporan dan grafik, dan ekspor ke "csv".
7. Kemungkinan seleksi operasi berdasarkan tanggal, rekening, kategori, mata uang.
8. Backup dan mengembalikan data c kemungkinan mengekspor atau mengimpor melalui "Google Drive".
9. Proteksi password di masukan ke aplikasi.
10. Pembentukan pola berulang.
11. Copy operasi.
12. operasi Ekspor di file "csv" ke SD-card dan Google drive.
13. Widget
14. Mekanisme mewarnai rekening dan kategori (warna kartu ditugaskan ke rekening atau kategori)
15. Sinkronisasi antar perangkat melalui "Google Drive".
16. Pilihan cahaya dan tema gelap.
Masukan 17. Suara</div> <div class="show-more-end">